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Azelaic Acid

An acid which is dicarboxylic acid derived from greens, like barley and wheat. This acid is very powerful ingredient because it fights with the acne, causing bacteria, natural exfoliators, and removes dead skin cells Billups. Here the list of its serves doesn’t stop, as it also acts as the antioxidant, boost, aunty inflammatory properties, and pigment, which are responsible for hyperpigmentation


Azelaic Acid is targeted soldier which fight against bacteria to remove white heads, blackhead and cystic acne. It also reduces the redness and hyper pigment.


Slow and steady wins the race! This scene is applied when you incorporate the acid in your daily skincare routine. The person rings of 15 to 20% is most effective but the increase concentration slowly at the beginning give the acid time to adjust by using once a day or alternative days. Once your skin and acid become friends, it can be used by any skin type.