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Zinc PCA

ZINC PCA (ZINC PYRROLIDONE CARBOXYLATE) is a Zinc salt which is formed from Pyrrolidone carboxylic acid (PCA), which is a natural constituent of the skin. One contains the antioxidant property of zinc, which has affinities towards reducing seborrhoea and inflammation, and the second has the property of PCA which is a moisturizing agent. Zinc PCA is used in cosmetics for oily skin and acne despite its capacity to organize sebum secretion in the skin.


Zinc PCA is also useful in treating Shine control, seborrhea and in cases of oily skin, Zinc PCA helps to make extra oil production regulated thus being suitable for treating shine the causes acres. It has a bleaching function which whitens the skin since it contains natural antibiotic contents that have the ability to destroy bacteria on the skin surface that cause the acne and the redness on the skin as it has anti-inflammatory content. In addition, the PCA component assist the skin to maintain its moisture balance and it does not allow it to become to dry while at the same time it regulates sebum production.


Due to its ability to control oil on skin, Zinc PCA is more appropriate for oily, combination and acne prone skin. It is also mild to be applied on the sensitive skin including face hence common in many skin products.